Friday, July 3, 2009

How to get rid of acne naturally

Acne is a common skin disease affecting almost everybody. It is caused due to blockage of skin follicle ducts of sebaceous glands. This leads to inflammation and subsequent infection by a bacterium called P.Acnes. There are many home remedies for acne which have been tried for hundreds of years. Some acne herbal medications are listed below to get rid of acne at home:
Wear oil-free makeup whenever possible. These types have less of a tendency to cause the pore buildup that results in blemishes. Remove your makeup nightly and cleanse with an acne-fighting medicine to remove dirt, oil and makeup from deep within the skin.

Do not use creams containing Vitamin A or Vitamin D as these vitamins are not absorbed by the skin and thus such lotions are unnecessary.

The simplest home remedy for acne is drinking water. Drinking 7-8 glasses of water is beneficial for cleansing the toxins present in the blood. Water is a good medium for removing toxins. Drinking excess water has been linked with good complexion.

Do not scrub your skin. Excessive scrubbing, especially with abrasive soaps increases the number of dead, loose skin cells which contribute to an increase of the plugging of the oil glands.

If you like to use a facial scrub, only do so once a week, scrubbing gently and lightly
To really get rid of acne, you need to equip yourself with information about hormones, food, skin care products, dehydration, yeast and antibiotics.

I truly recommend this invaluable program to anyone who suffers from acne, at any age. Worth every penny.

Cucumber juice singly or mixed with juices of carrot, lettuce or alfa alfa is considered an excellent home remedy for acne.

Cure acne without drugs or typical acne treatments. Drugs, creams and typical acne treatments sometimes work in a partial way but the results are temporary and the side effects are nasty.

The tiny handful acne sufferers who have learned how to clear their acne from within and without ever using drugs or over the counters are the only people in the world who keep their skin clear permanently. Now you can learn these clear skin secrets from a nutritionist and a former sufferer who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done.

Drinking herbal water is a well known acne herbal medication for removing pimples. It is made by boiling a glass of water with 2 fenugreek seeds and 1 corn hair.

Applying Bengal gram flour mixed with curd is known to be beneficial for the skin diseases like acne. Green gram flour mixed with water is a good way to cleanse the skin. Gram flour is a popular acne herbal medication and also acts like a mild bleach.

  • Modifying your diet to relieve symptoms
  • Cleansing your internal organs
Using herbs to provide nutrients to your liver and other organs, as well as for cleansing
Tea tree oil, which is also commonly known melaleuca oil, is an essential oil that can appear clear in color to a light golden shade. This natural acne fighting oil has been growing in popularity over the last few years as an effective alternative to over the counter and prescription blemish treatments.

Nature's Way AKN SkinCare herbal remedy
Discover the best way to use Nature's Way AKN SkinCare herbal remedy for acne.

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